Goon Eye for the Boot Guy

Goon Eye for the Boot Guy

A few years ago I wrote a tongue in cheek thread about what to wear. Here it is in all of it’s glory, with some updates and edits of course.

Here is the first installment of "Goon Eye for the Boot Guy".  This is an intro to Combat Casual.  First step, throw away your Gruntstyle, or other Motard shirts...  Do it.  This is the way.

  1. Comfort is key.  There are numerous companies who make short sleeve button ups for hiking.  They work.  Get one that is cut for your body type.  Don't try to get a form fitting shirt if it looks like you retired last week.(JFC how do some of you get fat so fast?!).  Brands can vary, along with price points.  You can go expensive with some Patagonia, or save some money with some REI COOP.  Have some fun and get some wicked prints.  I hear Aloha shirts are all the rage these days... *This is now cringe. The nerds ruined yet another fun meme…
  2. Do the same with t-shirts.  Get something that is a blend, so when things get hot, your nipples don't bleed.  Solid colors are always a plus.  Don't forget the tank top.  Be sure to grab a few of these.  Suns out Guns Out.
  3. Time to move on to pants.  So many options.  You can go all the way from some 5.11(form fit ones, not the boxy looking ones) (*A certain GB made these haram) to your regular hiking pants from brands such as Patagonia, prAna(Red’s favorite), Kuhl(My Favorite), and Northface.  Even Eddie Bower has some comfortable ones.  Just make sure they fit properly, and are a blended material that will let your boys breath, while not ripping while putting hate down range.
  4. For shorts, DO NOT WEAR GAHDAMN CARGO SHORTS!  I say again, DO NOT WEAR GAHDAMN CARGO SHORTS!  I am a big fan of Chubbies and switch between 5.5" and 7" inseam.  Skies Out Thighs Out.  They also stretch, so in the belt carry is simple. Other great brands for athletic shorts are TacHuntFish, and OvrOut. Inseam rule still applies.
  5. Be sure to always have Ranger Panties on.  I tend to drink in excess, so if I decide to go streaking to the quad, at least I technically have shorts on... I no longer drink, but still wear these bad boys.
  6. Belts, these are user preference.  Red has covered kit belts, but I have a leather belt I always wear for my pants.  Make sure it won't stretch out over time, so get quality.  *Since this thread was written a few years ago, I can proudly say I wear ExUmbris belts for all sorts of work. For my EDC in regular clothes, I like Kore.
  7. Shoes.  So many options.  I personally use Merrells but so many hiking shoes will work.  For around town, I have regular tennis shoes.  ie. New Balance(non velcro) Sperry
  8. Jackets.  You have to get a lightweight black down jacket.  Can be Patagonia, Northface, Arcteryx, or REI.  If you don't have one of these, people won't know how cool you are.
  9. Watches.  Get yourself an overly expensive Suunto watch, so FIS can spot you in a crowd right away.  I personally have the Garmin Instinct Tactical because you can put it in Stealth mode, or as I call it, poor people watch mode.
  10. Hats.  Get yourself a low crown fitted baseball cap with your favorite team on it.  After time it will fade, and carry so many memories.  Low crown trucker hats work too.  Wearing team hats is ok too.  How else will people be able to thank you for your service.
  11. Hair.  You must have flow.  If you don't have hair, sucks to be you.  Maybe get a weave.  For the boys that do, work on that perfect part.  You want to have the front slightly pomp up before it goes back and to the side.  I personally use Prospectors Iron Ore.  Stays in place.
  12. Facial hair.  Damn it.  If you can, grow a beautiful beard.  I unfortunately can not do this.  My team Sargent made me shave because he said I looked like a chai boy.  Don't want that...
  13. Suits.  Gentlemen, get at least three different suits.  Get them tailored.  Not too tight so you can carry.  Also, the ladies love a man in a good suit.

If you made it this far down this thread, know that this is tongue in cheek.  Wear what ever the fuck you want.  Hope you enjoyed my fashion advice.  Stay Frosty, Stay Safe, Stay Sexy.




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